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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Explored the Constructs of Teachers’ Teaching Supervision in the Subject of Food Services: The Application of the Modified Delphi Technique

Juniza Jubri, Suriani Mohamad, Irdayanti Mat Nashir, Ummu Sakinah Subri

Open access

The implementation of teaching supervision in the classroom is mandatory for all teachers. This study aimed to obtain a consensus or an agreement among the chosen experts on the constructs and items of supervision in food services. The interviews conducted with the eight experts found that there are only five successful constructs that had reached the consensus among the experts and additionally, there are some constructs modification that were made which is (i)planning and preparation (ii)implementation and delivery (iii)evaluation method (iv)objectives achievement and reflection (v)teachers’ professional responsibilities. Researchers have formulated items for each construct in the questionnaire with reference to the previous studies. The questionnaire that has been developed will then be evaluated and reviewed by experts in the second round of the Delphi technique. The instrument for this study consists of a set of questionnaire, which contains 72 items and is then being distributed to the eight experts. Then, the experts were given time for two weeks to make an evaluation and suggestion for the improvements of these items either by contributing new ideas or criticizing the content of the item that has been determined by the researcher. The items that have been assessed will then be analyzed based on the Interquartile range (IQR) formula and the level of agreement will be determined based on the 3-point Modified Likert scale. From the result obtained in the second round of the Modified Delphi technique, it is found that there are 12 items that need to be rejected, 10 new items to be added and other items, which need modification. Subsequently, the results of the IQR value in the third round found that all items had reached the level of consensus in accordance with the 3-point Modified Likert scale. The findings show that there are two items in which can be found in the constructs of ‘Teacher Professional Responsibilities’ that need to be emphasized in this supervisory aspect. In this regard, it is important that this study was carried out in order to discern the necessary items for a supervisor, especially the administrator of the TVE system in Malaysia.

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In-Text Citation: (Jubri, Mohamad, Nashir, & Subri, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Jubri, J., Mohamad, S., Nashir, I. M., & Subri, U. S. (2019). Explored the Constructs of Teachers’ Teaching Supervision in the Subject of Food Services: The Application of the Modified Delphi Technique. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 98–104.