ISSN: 2222-6990
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The paper explores the effect and post conflict peace-building in the Northeastern part of Nigeria with particular reference to Yobe state after the devastating effect of the Boko Haram insurgence. The insurgence engulfed and damaged almost all aspect of the community’s life thus includes; destruction of homes schools, hospitals, business premises, police stations, military formations, government offices and other emergency services in various parts of the state. Boko Haram devastations had affected the entire population of Yobe state in every aspects of living ranging from social, economic to political aspects. The study adopted qualitative and critical content analysis through analysis of data on violence inflicted by Boko Haram in Northeastern Nigeria. This study focused on articles available in English and adopted secondary data analysis approach. The reviewed sources include data collected from published textbooks, online search engines, scholarly journals and newspapers in areas of conflict. The data collected through these multiple sources and varied interpretations were analyzed in line with the research objectives. The study revealed that the emergence of Boko Haram can be attributed to political and socio-economic situation of north-eastern Nigeria. It also found the victims of Boko haram to include but not limited to children, women, the aged, traditional leaders, religious leaders and their followers, government officials and the security forces. Some recommendations on how to achieve a sustainable peace and peace-building processes have been suggested.
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In-Text Citation: (Umar, Mohammed, & Uddin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Umar, A., Mohammed, A. A., & Uddin, S. (2019). Post-Conflict Peace-Building and the Way Forward: The Impact of Insurgency of Boko Haram on the People of Yobe State, Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(6), 393–406.
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