ISSN: 2222-6990
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The growing of restaurant industry in Malaysia is huge and this scenario leads to employment opportunities for job seekers. With huge job opportunities, managers play an important role to manage employees at workplace in order to increase employee’s productivity, performance and loyalty. On the other perspective, having many employees at workplace very challenging as it is difficult to retain them and evident from previous studies stated that Malaysian’s restaurant industry was placed third with the highest annual average turnover rate compare to other industries. Despite many researches uncover predictors behind employee turnover, scholars found that intention to leave is the best predictor of actual turnover. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the possible factors that influence intention to leave a job among casual dining restaurant employees. In this study, job stressor (JST), job satisfaction (JS) and organizational commitment (OC) were used to predict an employee’s intention to leave a job. The primary data of this study was derived from quantitative approach which distributed to those employees who were currently working in the casual dining restaurant in Klang Valley, Malaysia. A total of 560 questionnaires were usable for data analysis and data was analysed by using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 22. Results showed that job stressor was the most influential factor that contribute to employee’s intention to leave a job which its value (Beta = .554, p-value < .05) followed by organizational commitment variable. This result implied that employees of casual dining restaurants with a higher level of job stressor tend to have a higher intention leaving a job which can lead to actual turnover. The findings obtained from this study hoped to provide useful information about factor on employee’s intention to leave a job and it is hoped to help the restaurant managers to plan strategic approach to reduce employees’ intention to leave a job.
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In-Text Citation: (Nasir & Ghazali, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nasir, N. N. M., & Ghazali, H. (2019). Predictors of Intention to Leave a Job for Employees of Casual Dining Restaurant in Klang Valley, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(5), 773–783.
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