ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of the Emotional Competency Module developed specifically for adolescents in Malaysia to help address the huge delinquent behavior cases in Malaysia. Method: This module is one of the modules that was developed based on Daniel Goleman’s four emotion competency constructs. The module reliability instrument was developed based on the objectives of the activities in the module. A pilot test was conducted to measure the reliability of the module. After the pilot test, 19 participants were asked to answer the module reliability instrument and later on a Cronbach’s alpha value was analysed. Results: All the four domains and the overall module activities items showed very high reliability values. The reliability value showed that the module had a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.968 to 0.826. The reliability value of the overall module was 0.985. Implications: The findings of the study suggest that the module is effective for adolescents as each activity successfully achieved its objectives. This module also serves as a guideline for psychologists, counsellors and teachers to provide emotional competence training for adolescents. This study provides a new module to train emotional competency specifically for adolescents in Malaysia. Study is significant to provide and prove a new ECM module activities for youngster to improve their emotional well-being.
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In-Text Citation: (Perveen et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Perveen, A., Hamzah, H. B., Othman, A., Abas, N. A. H., Kee, P., Daud, A. B. M., … Kumar, P. J. (2019). Determining the Reliability of the Emotional Competency Module on Malaysian Adolescents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 65–76.
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