ISSN: 2222-6990
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The rapid growth of technology advancement in Malaysia enabled Malaysian consumers to browse and purchase products or services from online stores. Consequently, the shopping trend has been changing significantly from the physical store to online stores. Therefore, it is important to identify the determinants of the consumers online purchase intention. The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between impulsive buying tendency and perceived risk towards online purchase intention among Malaysian women. In order to investigate this relationship further, the mediating effect of shopping enjoyment was examined on the relationship between impulsive buying tendency and perceived risk towards online purchase intention among women online buyers in Malaysia. The study employed an online survey among women in Malaysia and the data was analyzed with SPSS. The results indicated that only impulsive buying tendency to be significant while the perceived risk was insignificant. Additionally, a partial mediation of shopping enjoyment was found between impulsive buying tendency and online purchase intention only and the same for perceived risk was unable to be retained. This findings have further supported the Theory of Planned Behaviour which claim that human will analyze the available information on hand and make a logical, reasoned decision to engage in specific behaviors. In this study, it was proven that consumers will make an impulsive purchase with the stimulation effect of shopping enjoyment. The research also discussed theoretical and managerial implications and ended with suggestions for future research.
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In-Text Citation: (Baskaran, Yuen, Mahmood, Mahadi, & Dalayga, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Baskaran, S., Yuen, T. M., Mahmood, Z., Mahadi, N., & Dalayga, B. (2019). Do Women Buy Online Impulsively More Often Out of Enjoyment and Risk Tolerance? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 88–107.
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