ISSN: 2222-6990
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The substantial growth of beauty products’ demand from both domestic and export markets has made beauty product become one of the important sectors of economy in Malaysia. On top of continuously introducing new beauty product to the marketplace, advertising of new beauty products is another important mechanize to ensure new product success in the competitive business environment. Recently, e-commerce of beauty product is emerging rapidly in the local marketplace. E-commerce serves as the platform for both online advertising (or namely e-commerce advertising) and online purchase. In addition, the success of e-commerce (which commonly measure in term of customers purchase intention) is very much dependent on the elements of e-commerce advertising. As such the aim for this study is to assess does the traditional advertising elements still stay relevant to e-commerce advertising of beauty product. In conjunction with this, the study explores the relationship between e-commerce advertising elements (which are medium credibility, entertaining celebrities association, quality features of product, advertising frequency, brand image and informativeness) and consumers’ online purchase intention of beauty products in Malaysia. The study is quantitative based, data was collected from 260 females between age of 18 to 25 years. Preliminary data analysis was done to assess the normality and reliability of the data, followed by analysis of correlation via Pearson correlation test. Analysis result from Person correlation suggested within the scope of the population under study, three traditional advertising elements still stay relevant to e-commerce advertising of beauty product, which are brand image, quality features of the product and informativeness of advertising.
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In-Text Citation: (Kowang et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Kowang, T. O., Jacob, R. A., Yew, L. K., Hee, O. C., Fei, G. C., & Long, C. S. (2019). E-commerce Advertising: Does the Traditional Advertising Elements Still Relevant? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 191–201.
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