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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Measuring Intention to buy Air freshener product based on Brand Name, Packaging, Product Quality, Price, and Advertising in Indonesia

Mia Wahyu Nuraini, Wella Wahyu Qur’anna, Diyang Nurjanah, Jehan Sekarkinasih, David Yusuf Firnanda, Hujjatullah Fazlurrahman

Open access

Purpose: This research aims to measure buying interest from air freshener. This product is new and wants to measure market willingness and the extent to which this product is in demand by consumers
Method: This research uses an online questionnaire to get the respondents. There are 5 variables that influence buying intention. The sampling technique using non-probability sampling with a sample size of 85. Data analysis techniques using multiple regression
Result: Brand name, packaging, product quality and advertising variables have no effect on buying interest while prices have a significant effect on buying interest
Limitation: This research is conducted in the second largest city (Surabaya) in Indonesia.
Originality / Value - This paper suggests contribution to the board of directors’ air freshener product

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In-Text Citation: (Nuraini et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Nuraini, M. W., Qur’anna, W. W., Nurjanah, D., Sekarkinasih, J., Firnanda, D. Y., & Fazlurrahman, H. (2019). Measuring Intention to buy Air freshener product based on Brand Name, Packaging, Product Quality, Price, and Advertising in Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 470–483.