The principal purpose of this study was to examine the role of risk management practices in the management of CDF projects to establish if such projects apply the PMBOK® (2000) recommended techniques of mitigating project risk that limit their success. The study focused on CDF projects in JUJA constituency in Kenya. It was based on the premise that CDF projects fail to achieve their intended objectives due to their constant exposure to risk factors that derail their planned budget, schedule and quality of their deliverables.
To understand the role of risk management in CDF projects, this work aimed at identifying the success performance of the projects against the level of application of the recommended PMBOK® risk management practices and the extent of application of each level of risk management. The target population was 239 projects in Juja constituency selected on the criteria of budget allocation of Ksh 200,000 and conducted between the periods of 2007- 2009. A representative sample size of 24 projects was picked using simple random sampling technique. The method used to gather data was researcher administered questionnaire on the PMC team leader who controlled the day to day project activities. An observation of each project was done to ascertain the actual status of the project. Data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively using statistical representation such as percentages, mean score, tables and graphs.
These work revealed that the level of the application of risk management practices in CDF projects was minimal. A vast majority of the project managers attested to their ignorance to risk management levels of risk identification, risk quantification, risk responses and risk responses control to the full cycle of the project. The research recommended that Project management committees be provided with basic training of risk management and be provided with templates and models of managing real and perceived risks in CDF projects and operations to enhance their success performance.
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