ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of mobile gallery walk (MGW) towards students’ interest and performance in Economic. Quantitative designs of quasi experiments were selected based on pre-test and post-test techniques. Sample size of 99 secondary students was selected and divided into three groups, which are two experimental group (KMGW and KGW) and one control group (KK). Experimental groups consisted of 30 (KMGW) and 35 (KGW) respondents while the control group consisted of 34 (KK) respondents. The simple random sampling was used as a sampling technique used in this study. Data was gathered using exam question and survey questioner. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistical technique. The impact of KMGW, KGW and KK on student interest and performance was analysed using MANCOVA while the relationship between interest and student performance was measured using the Pearson correlation. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the interest and performance of students using KMGW compared with the group of students exposed to KGW and KK. This indirectly shows that KMGW is effective in increasing the interest and performance of students taking economic subjects compared to groups of students exposed to KGW and KK. The findings also showed that there was a strong positive relationship was found between interest and performance of students exposed to KMGW. Overall, mobile gallery walk method is very effective for students in Economics because they can increase their interest and performance to learn compared to gallery walk method and conventional methods. These finding can help school administrators, to encourage teachers to use new technology in teaching and learning process. Finding from this study can be used to carry out future research and to improve the current education system.
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In-Text Citation: (Makmun, Yin, and Zakariya, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Makmun, M., Yin, K. Y., and Zakariya, Z. (2019).The Effect of Mobile Gallery Walk towards Students’ Interest and Performance in Economic. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(7), 1378–1390.
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