ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study is to explain distribution of zakat and development recipient zakat include Asnaf Fisabilillah. The development of the asnaf fisabilillah implemented by the State Islamic Religious Council of Malacca (MAIM). The study was conducted using an interview approach that involved face-to-face interactions with officers in the distribution unit. This study is to explain distribution of zakat and development Asnaf Fisabilillah. The development of the asnaf fisabilillah implemented by the State Islamic Religious Council of Malacca (MAIM). The study was conducted using an interview approach that involved face-to-face interactions with officers in the distribution unit. The findings of this study show that there is no limit on the number of distributions on the probability distribution. The distribution is not focused on individuals such as poor indigenous people, rather, donations will be made in the form of aid or donations to institutions and NGOs and mosque management to carry out missionary activities, welfare and social programs. In addition, financial contributions are also provided to orphanage management. In addition, the zakat distribution is also focused on human capital development and entrepreneurship of the Asnaf.
Interview & Website
Informant: Mr. Hj. Muhammad Dino Bin Md. Delan
Position: Assistant administrative officer (head of the Naziran unit) division of the distribution unit. (link reached January 29, 2020).
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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Othman, S. H. Bin, Ismon, A. B. M., & Fahurruzi, M. F. (2020). Management of Zakat Distribution in The State of Malacca, A Study on The Development of Asnaf Fisabilillah in the State of Malacca. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2), 294–302.
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