ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The juxtaposition of artistic elements and creation principles in the scenography invention within the creative and artistic pieces work together and are important components in the theatrical processes in a theatre production. This is because scenography components combine the elements of visual creations, arts and creative ideas in abstract, realistic and experimental following the concept and theme of the staged play. This research was conducted using qualitative method, guided by the data collected in the theatrical works produced by artistic productions along with the teaching and learning curriculum on scenography element towards 20 students and 2 teachers. Thus, research shows the effective role of scenography invention in producing a theatre production in Malaysia Art School, Johor which implemented teaching and learning patterns focusing on the development of creative and innovative thinking through exploration activities to produce high quality ideas and creations. Furthermore, it also exhibits the factors which influenced scenography teaching and learning issues in a production. The result of this research displays the significance of juxtaposition of artistic elements and creation principles in the invention of creative scenography works through exploration approach to ensure the understanding of artistic elements and creation principles elaboration among the teachers and students be exposed within the earlier stages in a theatre production.
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In-Text Citation: (Abdullah & Sikandar, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Abdullah, Z., & Sikandar, S. A. (2020). The Juxtaposition of Artistic Elements and Creation Principles in Scenography Invention of Theatre Productions in Malaysia Art School, Johor. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(2), 752–757.
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