ISSN: 2222-6990
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Commonly, Our Brothers experience many changes in their life after embracement of Islam. Issues of social changes, familial relationship, cultural integration, daily routines, emotions and others that if they are not managed properly, will bring to raising issues and problems in life of Our Brothers. Therefore, appropriate methods and approaches should be taken to help our Brothers in handling the problems. This study focused to issues and problems faced by Our Brothers and approaches of Sarawak Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) in handling them. This study implemented qualitative method, through document analysis instrument to obtain secondary data and interview instrument to obtain primary data of the study. Interviews were performed to 15 participants of the study consisting of 10 of Our Brothers and 5 of staffs in Development Unit of Our Brothers (UKSK), JAIS. Results of the study found that among the issues and problems faced by Our Brothers in JAIS were economic problems, acclimatisation with Islamic religion, family pressure, perception and acceptance by community, marital problems and divorce and also feeling of isolation and inferiority. This study also found that JAIS have practised three approaches which are through Module of Dakwah Development for Our Brothers (MPDSK), smart collaboration network and Our Brothers’ Village Adoption Program (PROKASK) to help Our Brothers get out from issues and problems faced. Findings of this study will assist JAIS, preaching organisation, and community as a whole to ensure that Our Brothers live peacefully in Islam.
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In-Text Citation: (Kawi & Pao, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Kawi, K., & Pao, N. A. M. T. @ T. A. (2020). Issues and Problems of Our Brothers and Approaches of Sarawak Islamic Religious Department in Handling Them. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(4), 444–458.
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