ISSN: 2222-6990
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The implementation of the National Examination (UN) is a government policy that aims to measure the competency achievement of graduates nationally on certain subjects, including mathematics. Mathematics with various roles makes it a very important science, among others, as a thinking tool to train students to solve or solve everyday problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ability, the type of error made, and the factors that cause students to make mistakes in completing math test questions. This type of research is qualitative research. The subjects in this study were Year 12 students of IPA 1 and IPA 3 of 11 students. The instruments in this study were mathematics questions of high school examinations year 2015/2016 that contained the indicator of problem solving and interview guidelines. Based on the analysis of test results and interviews, students' reasoning abilities in solving the National Examination are still low. Errors made by students include: 1) still mistakenly applying mathematical formulas and propositions in solving problems; 2) wrong in doing mathematical manipulation; 3) cannot draw logical conclusions; 4) cannot interpret questions into the form of mathematical models; and 5) wrong in using patterns and relationships to analyze mathematical situations. The factors that cause students to make mistakes include 1) students lack training independently by solving more varied questions; 2) material that has been studied is not well remembered, so mastery of the basic concepts of prerequisite material is still weak; 3) students tend to abbreviate answers and are not used to writing conclusions from an answer to a problem; 4) the existence of misconceptions in students; 5) students cheat on the work of other students; and 6) many students view mathematics as the most difficult field of study. Teachers are expected in learning activities to provide problems that demand students 'thinking reasoning in solving a problem so as to improve students' reasoning ability in solving math problems.
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In-Text Citation: (Sumardi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sumardi, Ikhsan, M., & Duskri, M. (2020). Analysis of Student Abilities in Solving Mathematical Problems of National Examination at High School Level. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 482–491.
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