ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge of selected lecturers, in one of the faculties of a local university, regarding the whereabouts of Allah SWT. This qualitative study was conducted based on the debates made by Islamic clerics and scholars in the field of aqidah, and a total of 14 lecturers were selected randomly and interviewed. The study found that the informants’ understanding and knowledge concerning the dalil about Allah’s whereabouts were relatively inadequate, as only one of the informants could aptly answer the questions given, even though the informant was unable to explain the phenomenon in terms of dalil naqli. The remaining 13 informants did not know about the dalil of revelation. Consequently, the researchers suggested that an aqidah study through the approach of Salaf should be instilled among the lecturers to improve their knowledge of Allah and give them a more concrete understanding of Him based on the foundation of the revelation.
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In-Text Citation: (Sahad & Asni, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sahad, M. N., & Asni, F. (2020). The Level of Knowledge of Academicians Concerning the Whereabouts of Allah: A Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 103–115.
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