ISSN: 2222-6990
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The involvement of religious organizations in implementation of curriculum in public secondary schools informer Western province of Kenya has been viewed as either substantial and meaningful or little by curriculum stakeholders. Indeed the first secondary schools in colonial Kenya were established by Christian missionaries. The constitution of Kenya (2010), the Basic Education Act (2013) and vision 2030 guarantees all children the right to education, free and compulsory basic education. The objective of the study was to find out the involvement of religious organizations in the implementation of curriculum in public secondary schools in former Western province of Kenya. The study was conducted in Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega and Vihiga counties of Western region of Kenya. The study is based on Ludwig Von Bertalanffy Theory of General Systems from which the Systems Approach in the learning process is derived. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population for this study was public secondary schools in the region of study. The target population included: County Directors of Education, Sub-County Education Officers, principals and teachers in public secondary schools, religious leaders and students. The researcher used purposive sampling to carry out the study in ten sub-counties. This gave a total of 621 students, 120 teachers, 60 principals, 5 Islamic leaders, 10 church leaders, 2 County Directors of Education, 4 Education Officers and 1 curriculum developer. This gave a sample size of 823 respondents. The instruments for data collection were questionnaires for principals, teachers, students and interview schedule for religious leaders as well as education officers. Focus Group Discussion and Observation Schedule were also used. The instruments for data collection were assessed by curriculum experts. The questionnaires were piloted before going to the field. Presentation of data was put in tables, bar-graphs, pie-charts and descriptions. The findings were as follows: religious organizations have been involved in implementation of curriculum activities. Unfortunately some cause divisions in the schools they sponsor by recommending unnecessary transfer of teachers and principals. The researcher also found out that parents, local communities and the Government of Kenya still play a crucial role in curriculum implementation. From the above findings the conclusion made was that, the policy guideline given to religious organizations is not strong enough to allow religious organizations to be actively involved in implementation of curriculum. It was therefore recommended that there should be clear and strong policy guidelines on the role of religious organizations in curriculum implementation activities in public secondary schools.
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In-Text Citation: (Aggrey, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Aggrey, A. A. (2020). The Involvement of Religious Organizations in Implementation of Curriculum in Public Secondary Schools in former Western Province of Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(7), 130–149.
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