ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Autism commonly refers to neurological developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior of individual. The characteristics of autism are mainly communication impairments and restricted repetitive behaviours. Although autism unique characteristics are often associated with sexual behavior, it is believed that sexual misconduct by individuals with autism indicates symptoms of sexual victimization that they experience. Realizing the absence of systematic literature review focusing on extrinsic factors that cause autism pectrum disorder (ASD) individuals to behave sexually, hence this study is based on the belief that there are extrinsic factors that cause individuals with autism to engage in sexual misconduct. This article aims to synthesize literature dated from 2000 to 2020 using ATLAS.ti 8 to answer research question of this study. The researchers have used keyword search, followed by filters using criteria from SCOPUS, Science Direct and Mendeley which resulted to 30 peer-reviewed journal articles. Next is the inclusive and exclusive process with selection of 24 articles as final articles for study review. The thematic study of 24 articles have identified 52 early codes on extrinsic factors causing ASD offenders involved in sexual misconduct.The codes are categorized into four groups namely sexual abuse, lack of sexuality education, social misconception, internet and pornography. The study proposes that there should be early intervention and education in sexuality to alleviate negative elements that may intensify sexual symptoms among idividuals with autism.
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In-Text Citation: (Yaakub et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Yaakub, Z., Kusrin, Z. M., Nasohah, Z., & Yusof, W. (2020). Thematic Study on Extrinsic Factors of Sexual Misconduct by Individuals with Autism. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(6), 1033–1045.
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