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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Open and Distance Learning (ODL) During Movement Control Order (MCO): Conceptualising the Relationships between Self-Efficacy, Learning Motivation and Performance of Higher Learning Education Students

Hasnizawati Hashim, Nor Aziah Abd. Kadir, Fazreena Mansor, Muhammad Zainuddin Mohamed Azudin

Open access

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has caused an unprecedented impact to the whole world, including the learning style used at the tertiary education level. Universities are urged to apply open and distance learning (ODL) during the movement control order (MCO) in pursuing their lessons. Despite advancements in technology, ODL during MCO has its unexpected consequences based on some technical and personal challenges that students have encountered. This paper proposes examining students’ academic performance based on the Social Cognitive theory (SCT). To better explain this model, the MCO period was used as the context of this study to bring new insight on education implementation and acceptance. This paper concludes with implications for future research and applications for academicians.

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In-Text Citation: (Hashim et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Hashim, H., Kadir, N. A. A., Mansor, F., & Azudin, M. Z. M. (2020). Open and Distance Learning (ODL) During Movement Control Order (MCO): Conceptualising the Relationships between Self-Efficacy, Learning Motivation and Performance of Higher Learning Education Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(8), 258–269.