ISSN: 2222-6990
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Fire safety management is essential in the aspects of achieving absolute fire safety standards in a building. Various Fire safety assessment methodologies and fire risk evaluation process has been developed over time, in spites of this, the fire risk keeps increasing, which implied that, there is a poor fire safety management. This study proposes a model of fire safety management for the fire risk assessment of an office building in Nigeria. The ten components of fire safety management were selected from the literature review, which was later structured to form criteria. The relative importance index was used to rank the level of compliance of fire safety management base on their influence. The questionnaires were the distribution to 30 fire safety practitioners and experts with substantial experience and knowledge in fire safety management. The data were analyzed using the relative importance index analytical approach. The evaluation model was suggested base on fire safety practitioners and experts’ perceptions. The inspection/observation of an office building was conducted in Nigeria in order to validate the model. The findings revealed that there is higher fire risk due to non- compliance with the standard fire safety management.
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In-Text Citation: (Alao, Yatim, and Mahmood, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Alao, M. K., Yatim, Y. M., and Mahmood, W. Y. W. (2020). Model of Fire Safety Management for the Assessment of an Office Building in FCT Abuja Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(8), 333-340.
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