ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study was conducted to identify the needs for the socioemotional module construction among gifted and talented students. The design of research construction and development was applied based on ADDIE model. Descriptive research design was used to analyze the needs of document analysis, teachers and students’ needs analysis, as well as the proposed criteria for the module development. Research sample consists of 11 teachers with experience teaching at the school for gifted and talented students, and 40 gifted and talented students in Negeri Sembilan. The document analysis refers to the counselling cases of referrals throughout 2018 and research review was conducted for the need analysis of teacher, students, and proposed criteria for developing the module. The findings for need analysis research for document analysis showed that the most frequent case to happen involved perfectionism, social anxiety and overexcitabilities. The findings of research review collected from teachers and students who supported the need module development as well as the proposed socioemotional module criteria will help researchers in developing the module. The findings will be able to assist in developing the socioemotional module and simultaneously identifying the appropriate theory to be used as the milestone.
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In-Text Citation: (Abd Razak, Surat, & Abd Majid, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Abd Razak, A. Z., Surat, S., & Abd Majid, R. (2020). Analysis of Needs, Criteria and Document for The Development of GIFTED Module for Gifted and Talented Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Bossiness and Social Sciences. 10(7), 648-659.
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