ISSN: 2222-6990
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In the context of the Niger-Delta region of Nigeria, an ecofeminist point of view is vital to unveil the exploitations of the natural environment and its resources, equally examining the connection between women and nature. Focussing on Christie Watson’s Tiny Sunbirds Faraway. Published in 2011 whose major part was set in Warri and partly set in Lagos Nigeria. Watson is an Englishwoman married to a Nigerian, her book depict the sober and terrifying moments experienced by women in the African village. This study explores the pattern women are portrayed in the selected novel through the lens of ecofeminism with a view of analysing the processes of women transformation which gave rise to their new identity and equally interprets the female strength in the mist of troubles as they were affected directly and indirectly by the ecological crisis through ecofeminism theory that shows the interconnectedness between women and their natural environment taking Carolyn Marchant concepts of ecofeminism, in her book Radical Ecology 2nd edition published 2005. However, this study uses the socialist ecofeminism perspective by studying the socio-economic conditions of women in the Niger-delta region of Nigeria and how their lives are affected by the degradation of their natural environment upon which they rely on for survival.
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In-Text Citation: (Elizabeth, Noor, and Talif, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Elizabeth, I. C., Noor, R., and Talif, R. (2020). An Ecofeminist Reading of Christie Watson’s Tiny Sunbirds Faraway. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 213-224.
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