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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction among Office Workers: The Mediating Role of Distributive Justice

Nor Azmawati Husain, Norlela Abas, Nurul Azrin Ariffin, Norshiba Norhisham

Open access

Job characteristics theory suggests five elements that benefit job satisfaction among employees. Using social exchange theory (SET), we hypothesize, the perception of distribution fairness will mediate the effect of autonomy and task identity on job satisfaction among office workers. 97 data collected on office workers from single organisation. Data analysed using hierarchical regression analysis. In support with the hypotheses, the findings demonstrate significant association between autonomy, task identity and distributive fairness with job satisfaction. The employees that have adequate job autonomy and acknowledge based on their effort will have higher satisfaction if they perceived the organisation practise fair rewards distribution. This study provide evidence on the role of distributive fairness as mediator in present context

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In-Text Citation: (Husain, Abas, Ariffin, Norhisham, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Husain, N. A., Abas, N., Ariffin, N. A., Norhisham, N. (2020). Job Characteristics And Job Satisfaction Among Office Workers: The Mediating Role Of Distributive Justice. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 494-508.