ISSN: 2222-6990
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The approach of Muslims in responding to and adopting Tibb al-Nabawi or Prophetic Medicine is varied. Various reactions or approaches emerged from both the public and Muslim scholars in responding to the concept of practicing Tibb al-Nabawi, especially on some controversial issues such as flies wing and camel’s urine. Therefore, this study was conducted to clarify the exact way or approach to interact with Tibb al-Nabawi in this modern age. To this end, the issue of drinking camel’s urine was specifically selected as a case study to provide guidance on drinking camel’s urine for Muslims. This study used content analysis on the hadiths related to camel’s urine, the books of fiqh and the scientific studies done by scientists particularly on the medical benefits of camel’s urine. This study concludes that camel’s urine has healing elements for some diseases that exist today. Although the scientific studies of camel’s urine are few, still in its early stages, and there is still much work to be done, it has so far been acknowledged by scientists that it can be used as a method of treating diseases. However, for clinical practices it still requires more advanced and detailed scientific studies. Therefore, the practice should be referred to a physician first. As for its practice in terms of the Islamic Law, it can only be used in emergencies (darurat), as it is a substance categorised as filth (najis).
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In-Text Citation: (Lokman, Mustafa, & Ibrahim, 2020
To Cite this Article: Lokman, M. A. A., Mustafa, M. F., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Prophetic Medicine: An Analysis of The Islamic Legal Law and the Scientific Wisdom Behind Drinking Camel’s Urine. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 785-797.
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