ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Sunnah or al-Sunnah is a thing familiar in Muslim community around the world and Muslim community in Malaysia in particularly. Sunnah is the explainer of al-Quran al-Karim. Understanding of al-Quran would not be completed except by referring to al-Sunnah. Muslim community have agreed on this matter. All states in Malaysia practice the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah. Only the state of Perlis is more famous with Sunnah compared to others until nicknamed as “Darus Sunnah”. Many factors are contributing to this nickname, among them is the approach taken by religious figures and political figures in Perlis. In fact, the most main and biggest factor is the role of DYMM His Highness King of Perlis and DYTM His Highness Raja Muda of Perlis in sparking sunnah discourses until they become the main word of mouth among community. In consequence of that, this writing aims to explain on approach of sunnah practice practised in the state of Perlis suiting its nickname darul sunnah. Method implemented in this writing was based on qualitative method. Data were collected from library research and focused on perception of al-Quran, al-Sunnah, famous books regarding with sunnah, official documents of Perlis state government and files from Mufti Department of Perlis. This study found that Perlis is a very strict state in defending, disseminating and fighting for sunnah in daily practices. All practices related to Islamic religion should in advance be ensured to have strong reference from religious sources as agreed by scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah Wa al-Jamaah. Practice lacking of reference or practice based on weak reference or argument will not have place in the state of Perlis, the practice will also be rejected and not be taken as state official practice. This subject is to realise the faith that Prophet Muhammad bin Abdillah SAW is the best role model and there is nothing that can compete the greatness of his upheld Sunnah.
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In-Text Citation: (Sahak, & Ibrahim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sahak, M. A. K., & Ibrahim, B. (2020). Approach of Sunnah Practice In Perlis, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 921-933.
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