ISSN: 2222-6990
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The creation of human beings of different skin colour and descent, race and language, culture, and customs is not to show arrogance and arrogance between them. Therefore, strong ethnic relations play an essential role in achieving harmony in a multi-ethnic society. Yathrib (the name of Medina before the migration) was located in the Arabian Peninsula as a ‘conflict zone’ due to the constant disputing and war between the Aus and the Khazraj. The acceptance of the Prophet PBUH as the head of state in Medina enacted the Medina Charter to manage the people of Medina of different races, languages, religions, and cultural customs. The Medina Charter is the first written constitution in the world that successfully governed a multi-ethnic society so that Medina would become a harmonious nation. From this basis, the writing of this article aims to analyse the ethnic relations that existed in the Medina Charter. This article used data collection methods of library research and in-depth interviews. Meanwhile, the content analysis method was used to analyse the data. The findings found that the Prophet Muhammad SAW succeeded in forming close ethnic relations in a multi-ethnic society through the Clauses stipulated in the Medina Charter based on the concepts of tolerance and love.
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In-Text Citation: (Embong, Musa, Muslim, & Bukhari, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Embong, Z., Musa, N. Y., Muslim, N., & Bukhari, N. I. A. (2020). Analysis of Ethnic Relations in the Medina Charter. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(10), 22-31.
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