ISSN: 2222-6990
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The publication of depicts of Prophet (PBUH) in January 2015 by a French magazine caused a boycott of French products in the Muslim world. Therefore, this study was designed to analyze the protesting behavior of Pakistani consumers regarding the purchase of French products. The religiously motivated boycott model was developed to examine the mediating effect of the boycott on product judgment, brand image, and loyalty. This study found that religious animosity has a substantial impact on boycotting French products but the boycott of French products does not have a substantial influence on the image and loyalty of French brands. Consistent with previous findings, our study suggests that product judgment is independent of religious animosity and boycott. This study has provided several implications to the manager of international organizations that are going to or already have entered in Muslim dominated markets. This study is concerned with the impact of the boycott of the religiously motivated consumer on brand image and loyalty. Furthermore, this study recommends that forthcoming researchers should on the influence of politically and economically motivated consumers on the brand image and loyalty with the brands.
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In-Text Citation: (Mirza, Ashraf, & Jahangir, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Mirza, F., Ashraf, S., & Jahangir, H. B. (2020). The Impact of Religiously Motivated Consumer Boycotts on Product Judgment, Brand Image and Loyalty. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 384-402.
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