ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Th paperwork aims to examine the meaning allude to Malay art concept through mathematical aspects and thinking. It can be seen on carvings, weaving, painting, architecture and textile. Pattern and motifs in Malay art works are rich with mathematical values which can be seen on any geometric designs. This is a qualitative research that analyses symmetry. Art designs was analysed in formalistic context in order to explain symmetry concepts that exist in ethnomathematics. Written and visualised data are gathered and collected via documentation, recording and observation. The findings of this study showed that the inter-relationships between art and mathematic cannot be denied through the beauty of art works as well as its beauty in mathematical aspects. The implication of this research is to view and see art not only from the angle of arts appreciation, but can be expanded to various philosophical perspectives especially in mathematical aspects.
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In-Text Citation: (Abd Rahim, Samsudin, & Husain, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Abd Rahim, R. S@., Samsudin, M. R., & Husain, H. (2020). Symmetrical Design Analysis of Malay Arts in Ethnomathematics Context. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(9), 1047-1060.
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