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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Organizational Justice on Achieving Job Satisfaction Case Study: Administration of Hamad International Airport (HIA)

Abdul Aziz Ahmed Al–Rumaihi, Najim Al- Azawi

Open access

This study aims at investigating the impact of organizational justice on achieving job satisfaction in the Administration of Hamad International Airport. For this purpose, the researcher used a descriptive analysis method, designed and distributed a questionnaire to (278) employees working for the Administration of Hamad International Airport. The study found out that the organizational justice had a high relative importance with an average of (3.907), and job satisfaction had a high relative importance with an average of (3.844). In addition, the study found out that there is an impact of the organizational justice on achieving job satisfaction, besides a statistically significant effect for a distributive justice, procedural justice, transaction justice (interactive) and ethical justice on achieving job satisfaction in the Administration of Hamad International Airport. The study recommended that the Administration of Hamad International Airport should reconsider the monthly salary policy, in terms of its suitability for the experiences of working individuals, their educational qualifications, and the courses obtained by them. The Administration should also try to achieve justice among individuals, foster cooperation and teamwork, and provide all the ingredients that are required to contribute to its success and hence achieve the desired goal.

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In-Text Citation: (Al–Rumaihi & Azawi, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Al–Rumaihi, A. A. A., & Azawi, N. A. (2020). The Impact of organizational justice on achieving Job Satisfaction Case Study: Administration of Hamad International Airport (HIA). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(11), 968–982.