ISSN: 2222-6990
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Augmented reality (AR) offers an innovative learning space through an active interaction of real world with computer-assisted contextual layer of information to enhance learning experiences. AR is exciting to explore in which it can enhance a user’s impression of and interaction with real and virtual world. There have been some attempts to use AR for training and educational purposes; however the potential of AR in education remains unexplored as it seen as a future of education. In addition to the lack of information about AR in education especially in Malaysia, there is also inadequate information about the influencing factors in determining students’ decision to use AR in their learning process. Thus, the present paper aims to evaluate factors that might influence pre-service teachers’ decision in using AR technology through Mobile Augmented Reality Learning Cardiovascular (MARLCardio). A self-designed MARLCardio was used as an experimental tool in data collection process. All respondents were given a chance to explore an AR features in MARLCardio before they responds to a web-based survey. The respondents of the study are 459 pre-service teachers at three public universities in Malaysia with different field of study. All data gathered from the questionnaire was analysed using path coefficients in SmartPLS. As a result of this investigation, results revealed that attitude (ATT) is the main factor in determining the actual use of MARLCardio. Surprisingly, field of study (FOS) was not found as a moderating effect of any relationship.
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In-Text Citation: (Nizar, N. N. M., Rahmat, & Damio, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Nizar, N. N. M., Rahmat, M. K., & Damio, S. M. (2020). Evaluation of Pre-service Teachers’ Actual use toward Augmented Reality Technology through MARLCardio. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 10(11), 1091-1101.
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