ISSN: 2222-6990
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Pondok Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) is constructed as a traditional religious learning institution famous and more systemic. It became very influential in the pre-colonial and the occupation period. Associated with the maintenance of the local value but syllabus each school pondok pesantren was not uniform. Pondok Pesantren functions to facilitate collective action in a determined pattern so that it functions not only as an organization but also as a social institution. Local institutions, especially in their capacity as social institutions, are matured through a social learning process, which essentially works while learning so that local wisdom will eventually develop. Increasingly sustainable local impartiality will function as an empowerment instrument for both internal and external relations. Internally, the local institutional capacity will facilitate community development in the process of self-management, including as a means of decision making and resource management, while the external function as a representative of the community will work with various stakeholders. This is a reflection of the capacity of local communities to build networks and increase the bargaining position of other stakeholders (Soetomo, 2011). In particular relations with local government are very crucial that influenced vice versa.
All politics is local. After the fall of Suharto’s regime, Indonesia entered a democratic state that gives autonomy and decentralization at the local level. Local Governance becomes a big issue in political life in particular arrangement all of the power to distribute resources toward people. The problem at the local level regarding increasing local capacity can be approached by the relations of government, industry sectors, university communities, and citizens. This approach namely the Quadruple Helix Model which focuses on these relations is seen as a key actor promoting approach to innovation through which strategy development and decision making are exposed to feedback from key stakeholders, resulting in socially accountable policies and practices. This model can encourage the implementation of local governance because the relationship between the government, market, and citizens (governance) can be maintained. Handling the issue of radicalism can be managed through this relationship by creating programs and policies that can significantly reduce the influence of radicalism at the local level, such as cooperation between Pondok Pesantren, local government, university communities, and industry sectors.
This paper focuses on the relations between government, university communities, industry sectors, and Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) to handle the influence of radicalism, with a specific reference for East Java province, in particular in Jember district (Kabupaten) as a case study. It tries to answer the following questions. 1) Why do we need to encourage Sekolah Pondok to increase relations with the Local government, industry sector, and university community? 2) What kind of program can enhance local capacity? 3) How are relations between Pondok pesantren, university, local government, and industry sectors?
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In-Text Citation: (Ladiqi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ladiqi, S., Yunus, A. M., Mohamad, M. Z. B. M. @, Wahid, N. B. A., & Hamzah, M. S. Bin. (2020). The Nexus of Pondok Pesanten and Quadruple Helix Approach to Enhance Local Capacity in Jember, Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(11), 1261–1267.
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