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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Islamic Economic Thoughts of Prominent Muslim Scholars in the Abbasid Era

Nur Amani Aisyah Samsuddin, Nadhirah Nordin, Rahimah Embong, Suraya Ismail, Rossidi Usop , Siti Khatijah Ismail

Open access

This article aims to review previous studies related to the economic thought of Muslim scholars during the Abbasid era. Literature review has been done throughout this qualitative study using primary and secondary sources. Thought is an opinion and ijtihad (reasoning) in decision making according to thought process is accurate. Debates on Islamic economics scientifically and systematically existed before the advent of conventional economics. Therefore, these Islamic economic thoughts need to be re-highlighted in order to develop a holistic economic system. It has found that the development of Islamic economic thought in the Abbasid era emphasized the principle of justice in every economic activity, especially in business and trade. In addition, the national treasury system also plays an important role in developing the economic system in a country.

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In-Text Citation: (Samsuddin et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article:Samsuddin, N. A. A., Nordin, N., Embong, R., Ismail, S., Usop, R., & Ismail, S. K. (2020). Islamic Economic Thoughts of Prominent Muslim Scholars in the Abbasid Era. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 26–35.