ISSN: 2222-6990
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The cardinal aim of this paper is targeted to investigate two basic factors on the aspect of human resource development. These factors encompass employees’ customer orientation and reward and recognition and how it affects job satisfaction in Nigeria banking industry. The present study aims to unveil and contribute towards the development of the component that associated with job satisfaction. Notably, few empirical studies have been carried out in the same vein. Conversely, prior the current study, empirical linkages between customer orientation, reward and recognition as preconditions for employees’ job satisfaction in Nigerian banking industry are not fully established. The research design was descriptive correlational study and data were collected using questionnaires. Simple random sampling methods was employed. 384 employees were selected with the response rate of 94%. The Findings of the study revealed that employees’ job satisfaction is at moderate level and the descriptive statistics shows that both reward and recognition is positively and significantly associated with job satisfaction. Whereas customer orientation resulted insignificant. Multiple regression analysis also portrayed that reward and recognition is the strongest predator of job satisfaction among employees in Nigeria banking industry. In addition, this study offers new insights towards the extant literature and provides implications and directions for future research.
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In-Text Citation: (Obodoechi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Obodoechi, A. K., Krauss, S. E., Suandi, T. Bin, & Sakiru, O. K. (2020). The Relationship between Customer Orientation, Reward and Recognition and Job Satisfaction among Nigerian Bank Employees. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(16), 332–350.
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