ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This study aims to explain the co-curricular activities implemented in four private secondary schools in producing students who are able to be independent in their respective careers. Some people state that co-curricular activities are merely to meet the time of students while they are at school only. Such perceptions are inaccurate and unfounded. This study uses qualitative methods to obtain information. A total of six senior students from four private schools in the state of Selangor were selected as respondents. Researchers use focused interview methods to obtain respondents' information. The findings of the study are presented in a descriptive form that is a description of the study objectives. The findings of the study found that co-curricular activities such as nasyid and playing musical instruments, vegetable gardening, freshwater fish farming and livestock farming were applied to students. The findings of the study also found that cooking, sewing and small-scale business activities became a career that could generate a lucrative income for students. The results of this study prove that the activities of playing musical instruments, vegetable gardening, freshwater fish farming and livestock farming are suitable sources of income for teenagers today. Through co-curricular activities implemented in schools, students can hone their talents for their respective careers. This scenario indirectly sustains current economic activity.
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In-Text Citation: (Ismail et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Ismail, A. M., Osman, Z., Ghani, A. R. A., & Mokhtar, A. E. (2020). Co-Curricular Activities in Selected Private Schools to Independent Students – Qualitative Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 950–957.
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