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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Innovation and Personal Control on Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Performance in Sabah

Deewasnari Muddat, Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad, Rosmimah Mohd Roslin, Nelson Lajuni

Open access

Purpose: This paper aims to examine the innovation and personal control impact on micro-business performance in Sabah, Malaysia.
Research Methodology: The paper adopts non-probability known as a purposive sampling method in the selection of micro-businesses. The sample consists of micro business owners/entrepreneurs under the TEKUN financing scheme throughout Sabah. A survey using self-conducted questionnaires structured on a 7-point Likert scale is conducted through the distribution of 600 questionnaires, and subsequently, a total of 525 questionnaires are returned. The EAO dimensions assessed in the paper are innovation and personal control. Data collected are analysed using the SEM-PLS technique through the SmartPLS 3.3.2 software.
Results: The results show that innovation and personal control are positively correlated with micro-business performance. Nevertheless, this study found that the level of performance among entrepreneurs is moderately low.
Limitations: The theoretical implication of this paper is that it provides supports to some of the previous findings and arguments that EAO play an essential role in ensuring micro-entrepreneurs achieving better business performance.
Contribution: From a practical perspective, the findings of this paper help entrepreneurs, owners, government agencies, and other stakeholders to understand the critical role of EAO in improving the business performance of micro-business in Malaysia.

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In-Text Citation: (Muddat et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Muddat, D., Ambad, S. N. A., Roslin, R. M., & Lajuni, N. (2020). The Impact of Innovation and Personal Control on Micro-Entrepreneurs’ Performance in Sabah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 1263–1282.