ISSN: 2222-6990
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The internet has proved to be one of the greatest learning resources available in the 21st Century. Modern education is becoming progressively more dynamic. Internet has helped man to see the other part of the world at the click of a mouse. Various forms of instructional technologies such as the overhead projector, opaque projector, filmstrip and slide projectors, radio and television to mention but a few have been used as media in instructional process. In recent times, e-learning emerged as the fastest means by which one can teach and learn online. This paper explores the concept of e-learning. It outlined and discussed the needed e-learning resources for the usage of academic adult educators. Some of them are Computer, CD-ROM Packages, videophone system and digital library. It enumerated the benefits of e-learning to academic adult educators such as collaborative studies, virtual library. It recommends among other things that the government of Nigeria should provide computerized/digital libraries for accessibility of information in the internet.
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In-Text Citation: (Oguzor, & Adebola, 2011)
To Cite this Article: Oguzor, N. S., & Adebola, H. E. (2011). Internet and E-Learning Technologies and the Adult Educator in Nigeria. International Journal of Academic Research in Busines & Social Sciences. 1(2), 43-48.
Copyright: © 2011 The Author(s)
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