ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The problem under research was “Relationship between the Professional Attitudes of Secondary
School Teachers with Their Teaching Behavior”. Teaching is considered to be the noblest of all
the profession. It is termed as the profession of the prophets. A person serving in any profession
must have Positive attitude and competence in his profession. This study may be significant for
knowing to major sessions of teachers training in relation to their attitude towards their
profession. The research hypothesis that, there is no significant relationship between the
professional attitude and teaching behaviors of secondary school teachers was tested. All the
Secondary School students and teachers comprise the population of the study. A sample of 100
students from the 10 High and Higher secondary schools of DIKhan City was selected. Five male
Schools and five female schools were selected. 10 students from each male and female school
were taken. 50 teachers from the 10 high and higher secondary school of DIKhan city. 5 teachers
each from male and female schools were selected. Two attitude scales, one for professional
attitude and another for teaching behavior of the teachers were used for data collection. The
co-relation statistic was used. The results show that there is a high co-relation between the
professional attitude and teaching behavior of the teachers.
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