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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Muslim Friendly Service Supply Chain Management (MFSSCM), Employees Service Behaviour and Muslim Friendly Hotels (MFHs) Service Performance: A Conceptual Study

Nik Izzul Islam, Rasidah Hamid

Open access

The increasing demand over Muslim Friendly Hotels (MFHs) since past one decade has significantly contributed to the development of hotel industry in Malaysia. However, it is reported by many scholars that MFHs service performance is still unmatchable with conventional hotel dues to the unique norms that exist in MFHs service operation. Concerned to determine the possible approach to improve MFHs employees’ service behaviour and service performance, several journal articles were selected regarding the practices of Muslim Friendly Service Supply Chain Management (MFSSCM) which consist of demand management, customer relationship management, and service performance management to possibly assist MFHs service operation to improve the service performance and therefore improve the level of satisfaction among both Muslim and Non-Muslim guest. It is hoped that this conceptual paper is able to provide comprehensive information related to the useful practices of MFSSCM and its relation in improving MFHs service performance.

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In-Text Citation: (Islam, & Hamid, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Islam, N. I., & Hamid, R. (2020). Muslim Friendly Service Supply Chain Management (MFSSCM), Employees Service Behaviour and Muslim Friendly Hotels (MFHs) Service Performance: A Conceptual Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(12), 1317–1326.