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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Position of Islamic Missionary on The Mechanisms of Despotism in The Emergence of The Islamic Nation

Moustafa Hassan Mohamed El Khayat, Mohammed Muneer’deen Olodo AlShafi’i, Muhammad Hedayatul Islam

Open access

Islamic missionary had been accompanied by justice and freedom to ensure man’s dignity. However, human despotism (tyranny) with its mechanism hampered that. The contemporary west has got rid of the tyranny to a great extent, which confirms with the nature of Islamic missionary in ensuring man’s dignity. However, despotism has become a predominant trend in the whole Arab world. This is traced back with deep roots, to the era of Umayyad caliphate. This caliphate had given rise to despotic ruling systems with falsely gained false legality though disguising them with the mask of religion to form a sacred rule. Contemporary Arab regimes have found the emergence of the early Islamic nation to have mechanisms that meet their desires for tyranny. These mechanisms are far from the right ruling systems during the rule of Prophet Muhammad and the rightly guided caliphs. The problem of this study consists in the hypothesis of the existence of tyranny mechanisms traced back, with deep roots, to the early emergence of the state in the Arab world, which made non-Muslims accuse Islam of being despotic. Aims of the study: It aimed at Uncovering the roots and mechanisms of the emergence of despotism in the Arab world. Proving that Islam is innocent of despotism and Islamic missionary work plays a role in getting rid of it. Proving that Islam is not guilty of despotism and that Islamic missionary vocation is a call for the dignity of all people. The study uses descriptive analytical approach. And concludes that despotism in the Arab world is dated back, with historical roots, to the early formation of state or nation under the Umayyad and the Abbasids. That an Arab person accept the despotism and even seeks it if not existent. That the ruling systems of Arab nation cooperated to impose servility on its societies. The immigration of a lot of youths and scientists to the western world, looking forward to a decent life. Missionary work plays an important role in enlightening people about their rights in confronting despotism. Islamic missionary work is innocent of all accusations of despotism related to it. Religious beliefs had ensued upon political events, essentially aiming at empowerment of despots and tyrants. This study recommends the necessity of conducting contemporary missionary studies for uncovering the mechanisms of despotism which are renewable in our contemporary Arab world. The need for psychological missionary studies for combatting despotism in our societies. Setting up societal centres and international conferences that make the society aware of the bad consequences of despotism, and that it is the cause of civilization backwardness of the Islamic and Arab nation and the immigration of a lot of geniuses abroad. Conducting studies that highlight the role of Islamic missionary vocation in achieving justice and human dignity for all. The need for conducting studies for refuting the illusions of secularists and orientalists that accuse Islam of despotism and tyranny.

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In-Text Citation: (El Khayat et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: El Khayat, M. H. M., AlShafi’i, M. M. O., Islam, M. H. (2021). The Position of Islamic Missionary on The Mechanisms of Despotism in The Emergence of The Islamic Nation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(2), 221–231.