ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The Internet as a global medium is quickly gaining interest and attractiveness as the most
revolutionary marketing tool. The global nature of communication and shopping has as well
redefined, seeing that it is the perfect vehicle for online shopping stores. Online convenient
shop is mostly reflected in shorter time and less energy spent, including shipping cost
reduction, less crowd and queues than real markets, unlimited time and space, which all
increase convenience of shopping. Internet shopping for businesses and consumers are being
accepted as an alternative shop mode rather than visiting the stores. However, convincing the
consumers to shop online is still a challenging task for web retailers in Malaysia. The growth of
Internet technology in Malaysia has enormous potential as it reduces the costs of product and
service delivery and extends geographical boundaries in bringing buyers and sellers together.
This study is conducted to identify factors influencing consumers towards online shopping in
Malaysia. The study focused on nine independent variables namely appearance, quick loading,
security, sitemap, validity, promotion, attractiveness, believability, and originality. We applied
Five-point Likert Scale to measure the influential factors on intention for online shopping. The
findings of the study indicated that the first five factors influence consumers towards online
shopping and security is the factor that contributes most towards online shopping.
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