ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The purpose of the present study is to compare the customers` satisfaction with aerobics and
bodybuilding in public and private gyms in Kermanshah-Iran. It was descriptive- survey
research. The statistical population were all female private and public customers in aerobics
and bodybuilding gyms in Kermanshah. The study sample was 250 female athletes. In order to
gather data, a researcher- made questionnaire with the reliability (? = 0.81) was administered.
In order to analyze the data, we applied descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including
Kolmogrov - Smirnov, t-independent and Friedman rank tests. Data analysis showed that
customer satisfaction results between private and public aerobics and bodybuilding gyms for
women were significantly different (p<0.05). Also, amongst the dimensions of customer
satisfaction, there were significant differences between satisfaction of the gym's equipment
and physical environment, satisfaction with social relations and cultural facilities in gyms and
service gyms in the customer sa?sfac?on of public and private gyms, (p<0.05), but there was no
significant difference between the satisfaction with trainers and gym personnel in the public
and private gyms (p>0.05). Private gyms and public priorities in terms of customer satisfaction
were satisfaction with trainers and gym personnel, satisfaction with the equipment and
physical environment of the gyms, social satisfaction, and satisfaction with services and cultural
facilities in the gym. Overall customer satisfaction in the private gyms was higher than public
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