ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Over the years, either self-initiated or by funding from development agencies, a
number of developing countries have implemented various programs to tackle
poverty. This case study was inspired by the One Village One Product (OVOP)
movement initiated in the Oita Prefecture region of Japan. Given the positive
aspects of the OVOP, the purpose of the study is to transfer some aspects of the
OVOP movement in order to revitalize the town of Adwa, Tigrai, Ethiopia. The
case study therefore suggests some possible community-based endogenous
projects that could revitalize the town of Adwa, Tigrai, Ethiopia. As a result of
the initiative of local talents, the emancipation of local wisdom, the participation
of local people and the rediscovering of indigenous products (services or history,
it is expected that local communities in Adwa would be able to create job
opportunities and generate income to improve the livelihoods of the poor
segments of their population.
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