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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Student’s Perception on The Usage of Spanish E-Learning Blog as Online Medium to Strengthen Their Mastery and Comprehension

Mariyati Mohd Nor, Harnani Mat Zin, Harozila Ramli

Open access

E- learning among university students has been one of the effective methods of learning and contributed to more flexsible environment. In Malaysia, other than in-class learning, lecturers also use e-learning as one of the Self Learning Time (SLT) that helps students learn outside of the class. The acceptance of e-learning is not only capable in transforming the traditional teaching and learning, moreover, the usage of technologies in learning gives impacts and more effective and flexsible environment. This study conducted to identify student’s perception on Spanish learning blog which developed by lecturer as teaching and learning medium. A questionnaire set was used to collect data for 45 students who took Level one Spanish Language in Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI).The data analysis uses SPSS version 23 software and will be analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The data was collected using Likert Scale questionnaire and analysed using descriptive statistic, percentage and min. The findings have shown that the student’s perception on Spanish teaching and learning bog based on aspects such as user-friendly (4.30), design and interactivity (4.25) and usability and suitability (4.31) were positive with high min score. Findings from interview has portrayed the strengths of the blog were the usage of clear Malay language in describing the content and each of the topic’s description has also strengthen student’s comprehension. On the other hand, the weaknesses of the organisation and design aspects will be improved based on suggestions and responses acquired in the analysed data. Overall, the usage of this blog in teaching and learning has given positive impact on student’s mastery, increasing the comprehension, adding new vocabularies, improving student’s achievement also giving more exciting learning experiences to students in learning Spanish language.

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In-Text Citation: (Nor et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Nor, M. M., Zin, H. M., & Ramli, H. (2021). Student’s Perception on The Usage of Spanish E-Learning Blog as Online Medium to Strengthen Their Mastery and Comprehension. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(3), 625-643.