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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The United States of America's Foreign Policy towards Jordan during (George W. Bush) Administration (2001-2009) (Case Study of the Events of September 11, 2001)

Ala Mohammad Alkhawaldeh, Suyatno Ladiqi

Open access

This paper examines the foreign policy of the United States of America towards Jordan during the administration of (George W. Bush) (2001-2009); during the administration of George W. Bush, this period witnessed an important event, which is the events of September 11, 2001. This event changed United States foreign policy features towards many countries, to be their goal in that period, are fighting terrorism and looking for partners to fight terrorism in many countries of the world. Due to the difficulty of eliminating terrorism by the United States of America alone at that stage, especially in the Middle East, Jordanian-American relations increased during that period because Jordan represents the acceptable moderate Arab model for the United States of America war against terrorism. The study is conducted as a qualitative research. The study results reveal that after September 11, 2001, United States foreign policy's features towards many countries changed to become the ultimate goal of the war on terror and to find allies to cooperate with them in their war against terrorism, especially in the Middle East region. Jordan is the moderate Arab model accepted by the United States of America in its war against terrorism. There is also an increase in security and intelligence cooperation between the two countries in combating terrorist organizations. Because the United States of America considers the war on terror and political stability in Jordan will ensure Israel's security in the region. On the economic side: After September 11, relations between the United States and Jordan increased in cooperation, agreements, and assistance between the two countries have increased in the economic aspect. Including the Free Trade Agreement, where the agreement entered into force on September 28, 2001, during President George W. Bush's administration. In 2007, trade relations between the United States and Jordan increased to an unprecedented level of seventy-eighth in overall trade volume compared to others with whom the United States trades.

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In-Text Citation: (Alkhawaldeh & Ladiqi, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alkhawaldeh, A. M., & Ladiqi, S. (2021). The United States of America’s Foreign Policy towards Jordan during (George W. Bush) Administration (2001-2009) (Case Study of the Events of September 11, 2001). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(3), 1270-1277.