ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Nowadays the high person of Moslem knows narcotic using as a permissible (mubah) or undesirable (makruh) thing so that they don’t use it. They believe that narcotic is forbidden (haram) like wine and they don’t use it at all, due to which narcotic doesn’t acquire all of the society. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate narcotic crime contest in judicial point of view. While there are relation hips between drugs forbidden and not to become addicted and also the judicial point of view has effects in law codification. This article has tried to investigate judicial quotations and documents about narcotic and have compared Sunnite and Shiah point of view in this case. This paper has also tried to investigate verses and narratives about narcotic revere and law codification in this case.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
Published by HRMARS (
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