ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Human resource is one of those capital resources of an organization which not only increases the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organization but it act as a sheer source of competitive advantage which is inimitable. Employee commitment is as the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and wants to continue actively participating in it. Commitment is one of the important consequences of perceived organizational support. Organizational support is studied as something that is perceived by an employee. This is a perception or judgment of how much support an employee feels or thinks an organization provides to him or her. Employees with high perceived organizational support feel indebtedness to respond favorably to the organization in the form of positive job attitudes and organizational behaviors and also support organizational goals. Studies show perceived organizational support increases commitment. It can also be inferred from the discussion that when employees feel supported their outcomes towards organization are always positive which helps organization to achieve its goals. It is suggested that not only the perceptions on organizational support and external prestige are important to employees’ perceptions of the quality of their exchange relationships with their organizations, but also suggest that these perceptions affect employees commitment, through the quality of exchange relationships with their organization.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
Published by HRMARS (
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