ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
In this study, we studied the effect of rehabilitation variables on the profound congenital deaf student’s language, rehabilitation interferences such as teaching at ordinary schools, reading short stories, narrating, writing memory, summarizing, simplifying stories and textbook lessons, performing play on the stage on how to use dictionaries, etc. through the longitudinal case study for eight years on the profound congenital deaf student as well as evaluating her language development by Test of Language Development Primary( 3rd Edition) and Leiter International Performance Scale eventually resulted in the fact that unlike being of normal IQ, profound deaf student was able to achieve considerable language development by receiving, in each period, rehabilitation services appropriate for her age ,and consequently, her language development in each language system and linguistic features were evaluated average and in some cases, above average.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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