ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This paper discussed the essentials of ICT in enhancing quality education in Nigeria for
transformation of individual that contribute to the development of the Nation value. It equally
established the benefits of ICT in quality education. The paper further highlights the hindrances
associated with the use of ICT in quality education such as Insufficient ICT facilities,
unsophisticated accessories, epileptic electricity power supply, teachers’ lack of ICT
knowledge/skills, difficult to integrate ICT to instruction, scheduling computer time, insufficient
peripherals, not enough copies of software, insufficient teacher time, not enough simultaneous
access, not enough supervision staff and lack of technical assistance. The paper then
recommend that, the government of Nigeria should pass a bill at the National assembly on the
use of sophisticated ICT facilities in the educational system by provision of adequate fund,
securing of ICT experts in institutions and schools and ensuring that these facilities are
monitored from time to time.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
Published by HRMARS (
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