ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
One of the success factors in organizations is giving good services to customers which can be a competitive advantage for organizations such as banks. In this regard, the front line employees’ role clarity is an important factor in employees’ perception of service quality. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between role clarity and items and their effects on the perceived service quality of front line employees. We will represent a conceptual model which indicates the relationship between variables affecting role clarity including feedback, job autonomy, participation in decision-making and supervisor’s considerations. Its results would be organizational commitment, job satisfaction and service quality. This study is a descriptive- survey one and uses the path analysis method to examine the relationships between variables. The statistical population of this research includes 580 of front line employees in the keshavarzi bank of Chaharmahal-e-Bakhtiary province. Using random sampling, a sample of 132 participants was selected. Questionnaire was used as data collection tool.Results show that role clarity has an important effect on the employees’ perception of services quality. Regarding the findings, there is a positive relationship between variables and role clarity and also between the results of role clarity and its results concerning the quality of services.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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