Policy makers and entrepreneurship scholars pay attention to the development of a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem in educational institutions to develop entrepreneur attributes among students. The entrepreneurial ecosystem represents the economic and social environment in the process of implementing local entrepreneurial activities. However, there are not many studies of the entrepreneurial ecosystem that focus on the education system in vocational colleges. Hence, this article was written to identify and describe the attributes of entrepreneurs who have been successfully developed by vocational colleges through the existing ecosystem in vocational colleges when implementing vocational education transformation starting in 2012. To answer the objectives and questions of the study, data will be obtained by conducting three semi-structured interview sessions to administrators at three selected vocational colleges and focus group to lectures. In addition, data will also be obtained through observation methods and document analysis methods. The result of this study found that there are five elements of entrepreneurial ecosystem that existed in the three vocational colleges studied was able to produce entrepreneur attributes among students covering four attributes, namely attitude towards entrepreneurship, attitude towards entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial thinking and selection towards entrepreneurship career.
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In-Text Citation: (Alias & Ismail, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Alias, H., & Ismail, A. (2021). The Development of Entrepreneurial Attributes among Vocational Colleges Students in Malaysia: Explorations of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Elements. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(5), 717–729.
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