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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Securing Land Registry by Blockchain: At the Crossroads against Land Fraud Registration

Noraziah Abu Bakar, Habibah Omar, Norliza Ab Hamid, Mazlifah Mansoor, Sarah Munirah Abdullah, Siti Sarah Sulaiman, Nurazlina Abd Raof, Hariati Mansor

Open access

The computerized Land Registration System (CLRS) is a database maintained by the land registry offices in West Malaysia. It has enormous databases but with questionable data security competency as it could be penetrated due to relatively poor maintenance. CLRS has safety issues when reported incidences of the duplicity of owners and the non-existence of land titles. Successful registration of titles resulted from fraud practices or tampered instruments of dealings further exposes the weaknesses of the CLRS. The concept of permanent data under Blockchain makes it extremely difficult to remove, reverse or make unauthorized addition to the database. Change, if any, requires authorization at a certain level. By having a Blockchain system in place, data can be made accessible to the public without fear of modification or manipulation. Thus, the use of Blockchain can enhance the safety measures under the CLRS. This paper aims to examine the concept of Blockchain and its use in providing security in land registration and how it can be employed in the context of the Malaysian land registration system. The idea of the Blockchain system and how it works in land registration will use doctrinal and a comparative analysis basis. Ultimately, to improve the current CLRS system and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the database in land administration in Malaysia, adopting a secure method such as the Blockchain system may give a favourable result.