This paper presents the factors that influencing consumer on in-App purchase behaviour for fresh agriculture product. The consumer can be defined as a person or groups that buy goods for their consumption and not for resale or commercial purpose. Consumer behaviour is the study of the processes involved when individual or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of the product, service, ideas or experiences to satisfy needs and desires. While, the in-App purchase can be referred to the buying of product, good and services using a mobile application. Nowadays seller and producer are more concerned with consumer behaviour because it helps them to get information about how the consumers think, feel and choose their products. The present study attempts to fill the research gap by focusing on exploring the factors that associated with in-App purchasing behavioural intention and measured the consumer behavioural intention level toward in-App purchasing. A quantitative research method was used in this study. The data collected among 164 consumers in Klang Valley above 18 years old using online survey method. The results revealed that personal factor, social factor and cultural factor are the factors that influenced consumer’s behavioural intention to purchase fresh agricultural products form In-App and Malaysian have moderate to high intention level in using In-App. Therefore this study can be contribute to assist online retailers of fresh agricultural product to explore impactful strategies to gain more consumer’s trust to use online application to buy fresh agricultural products.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, S. N. H. B., Zaman, N. B. B. K., Vaiappuri, S. A. K. N., Ali, M. S., & Othman, N. M. I. B. (2022). Factors Influencing Consumer’s Behavioural Intention to Purchase Fresh Agricultural Products from In-App. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management and Sciences, 11(3), 540–550.
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